My place for scraps, snaps, old and new news


May 31, 2008

Plan night out

Got together with my old team at Plan - this time we kept things under control. Which meant that Marcel didn't walk home (to Krommenie....) and Stijn didn't circle around the whole night on the night train...

May 26, 2008

Hello Heru

Meet my cousin, Heru Mokoginta (update: sorry: Sutrisno, Mokoginta is his mother, and my aunts, family name). He is involved in building thousands of homes for Bandar Aceh, in order to rebuild the area after the Tsunami. Ánd he is online - we spent about an hour today to talk to eachother (with lots of delays) with Skype :-) Heru is the oldest son of om Hadji Sutrisno and tante Layana Mokoginta (my father's younger sister).

May 25, 2008

Just walking in the rain

We really needed to get our heads cleared after the night before (and not to mention: the kids needed to get rid of some energie). 39-ish Margreet -the birthday girl-, Carolina (aka Florence Nightingale) and tante Pollewob, Tobi-one-kanobi and xxs-doggie Pillow.

May 21, 2008

Designers break - 1 + 1 = 3

Jeroen Tebbe met Marjolijn from Harrie Ontwerpt! at a tour around the NDSM-wharf, the Kunststad to be precise, and that will undoubtedly lead to sparkling new ideas ,-)

May 18, 2008

Welcome citizen Nicky

Spent a lovely evening at Hugo and Eva's to admire their new, beautiful daughter Nicky.
And as Eva is one of the best cooks I know, diner again exceeded expectations ;-)

May 15, 2008

Service in Amsterdam

Amsterdam. This is how 'creative' waiters in Amsterdam are: there was more milk on the outside then on the inside of my macchiato.
"waiter, could you clean this for me?" See the result: a bierviltje on the saucer and 'here you go mam..' Since infamous bar & restaurant exploiter Kooistra runs Luxembourg's business its 'everyday, low standards'.

May 14, 2008

Politics in NL: save Sinterklaas!

Amsterdam. The world's problems fade in a blink of an eye when you consider that - I can hardly mention it- there are people 'they-who-shall-not-be-named' who want to mess up important traditions like Sinterklaas. But, fortunately, there is a person who shows real leadership and -without blushing- announces that one of her first acts as our new MP - will be to reinstate Sinterklaas'-festivity-as-it-ought-to-be.

I am really flabbergasted at the audicity of this woman. And worse: stunned by the stupidity of my fellow-Dutch inhabitants that they think that this woman is a real leader and speaks clear language. Apparantly, there are more illiterate people than I thought possible. There is a difference between hearing what someone says and understanding it.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sinterklaas - but making it an issue of national priority is just too surrealistic to comprehend.

Fearless Rita Verdonk will make sure that these crimes below will be punished severely:

May 11, 2008

Mother, its your day

Amsterdam. This year we had a beautiful, tropical weekend, with a special 'mothers day concert' in nearby Westerpark.

May 8, 2008


Birdies, eagles, hole-in-twenties - practice makes pro's...

May 6, 2008

What every girl should know

Lost and found, one of the most instructing Youtube's a gal can get..

May 5, 2008

Liberation Day (and Patrick's Day)

Amsterdam. Today we celebrated the end of WorldWar II in the Netherlands, with the traditional concert on the Amstel. It was also Patricks' birthday.

Here an impression of the Queen and birthday company.

May 3, 2008

Duo Special and all that Jazz

Breda. Visited the Breda Jazz Festival today. 20 degrees Celsius and lots of good music. At lunch we were treated to this a capella - foursome.

Two original Breda-Jazz die hards and musicians: Mabelle's mom and uncle.

May 2, 2008

Food shortage? Why don't they eat cake?

Amsterdam. Bizar news from our former national pride: HEMA. Every day, low prices - now they lowered the price for cake. Permanently. The price of bread rose a 20% over the last year. But, like Marie-Antoinette said (before she lost her head for real): "Why not eat cake". Why not indeed. For a fat, overweight nation - 'Echt HEMA'

How PR is (ab)used by America's Warlords

The Bush administration already announced their intention of misleading us regarding war when they implemented the Information Act.

This it what happens when you tamper with the truth: you suck the world into a war without remorse and purely for the greater good of the weapon, war and oil industry.

Listen to this chilling report from the New York Times. It makes me question my profession profoundly (public relations). The lines between PR and Public Affairs are already vague, but this is propaganda and demagogy!

Suck it in

Especially important now spring is back again...

May 1, 2008

Lost your nickname?

Pun intended... This is Sawyers' -my favorite character from the TV-series Lost- nickname generator. For those who don't have a clue what I'm talking about: go watch the show.. Saludos, Ladybug