My place for scraps, snaps, old and new news


Dec 30, 2008

Dec 18, 2008

Old & New

Dec 16, 2008


Nov 30, 2008


Had been a year since I stayed with Pia in her new hometown Barcelona. It was great to see eachother again: walk, talk and celebrating with suficiente cava.

Nov 29, 2008

Philosophy Taxi

Yesterday we celebrated the start of the international art manifestation Open Source Amsterdam | May - June 2009. The first piece (pixel) of the monumental art of Peter Stel was placed on the wall of parking garage Kraaiennest in Amsterdam Zuidoost. And there was an auction where I became the proud supporter of Hirschhorn's Philosophy Taxi - part of his art project for Open Source Amsterdam: the Bijlmer Spinoza Festival.

Here's my companies name on the Wall of Fame.

Nov 24, 2008

What's in a VIP

Helga presented Open Source Amsterdam to Marijke's Rotary Club.

Is the big question: to VIP or not to VIP?

Nov 20, 2008

Work float

Nov 15, 2008

Nov 14, 2008

Friends for 40 something years

Friends for 40 years - and still looking soooooo fresh (according to visagist Joshua who spent 60 minutes to make us look sooooo gorgeous)

Nov 8, 2008

Rendez-vous with Ineke

A relaxed long weekend with Ineke, kids and Pedro.

Nov 5, 2008

Liberation Day

Oct 10, 2008

Marcus at NDSM

Marcus finally made it to the other side of the river

Oct 9, 2008

Rintintin dans le Afrique

Mali in a blink of an eye

Oct 5, 2008

Post-birthday gathering

I intended to give a satay party at my house, but because I had an unexpected trip to Africa - I decided to cancel it and give the invitees a rain cheque. Managed to get a reservation-for-10 at En Pluche, one of my favourite restaurants in Amsterdam, and wined and dined the night away with some of my dearest friends.

Sep 29, 2008

Stretched out

Fanciest birthday present ever: Marijke arranged for a drive in a stretched limousine with champagne and gliding pass the buzz of New Yorks' Time Square.

Sep 27, 2008

Shoeshoe - New York's score

Spent lots of time in my walking shoes so couldn't help to get these not-so-walking shoes...
But restrained myself at Saks...

Art spaces New York

We did a lot (and then I mean: a LOT) of sightseeing and museum visits and all kinds of touristy things you should do on your very first time in New York.

Here some photo's. I absolutely LOVED the Louise Bourgeois exhibit in the Guggenheim. What an inspiring artist and woman (and my goodness, a productive one as well). Unfortunately no pics available - I bought the book, you should go and see ;-)

Sep 21, 2008

Birthday in the Big Apple

My very first time in New York! Being there and celebrating my birthday there was a fantastic experience. Marijke showed me around, she used to live there, and we met with Carlos and Jaime for a birthday dinner in the Meat Packing District.

Birthday activities? At exactly 00:00 Dutch time we were on top of the Empire State building. Toasted with -what else- Manhattan's to celebrate and had a burger at The Joint, best burger place in town as it turned out to be - sitting right at the table where JLo had hers. Then - the twentiest of September New York time, we took the circle line for a tour around Manhattan-island with a very entertaining Ɣnd knowledgeable tour guide, walked the high brow shopping streets, visited a New York wedding at St. Patrick's Cathedral - which, according to a certain Patrick, 'means a lot' and then took the elevator express, the 'shoe express' to shoe heaven, at Saks. No, didn't buy my birthday treat there - with shoes at at least 1.000 USD a pair - that exceeds even my limits... And then went to The Park to meet up with Carlos and Jaime and let the evening end with some Cosmo's at the Gansevoort Hotel terrace.

Sep 7, 2008

Spitting Leaders

A wee bit hung over, I went with the Street of Sculptures team to Sonsbeek. To get some inspiration for merchandising for our own first event, Open Source Amsterdam, next year.

Lots of lovely and interesting sculptures and objects to see - Sonsbeek, loved it.

Especially these spitting leaders are spot on in the light of the events of these days.

Sep 6, 2008


Felt ages ago that I went out and stayed out. Ilse wanted to check out a new place in town: Momo. Good cocktails, good food and very good company ;-) - but a very provincial outlook on service: the kitchen is closed at 10 PM! We were joined by friends of Ilse - John and Jaco, who just turned 29, and the kitchen staff kindly granted some quick bite from a just cleaned kitchen, and we all ended up in Jimmy Woo. Supposedly the fanciest (because most difficult to get in) club in town. Which made it a bit difficult to stomach the 'ring-dinge-dong its a holiday' from DJ Sven... Hellooo this was corny in the 80's and still is today...

Aug 29, 2008

An inspiring man passed away

Tom Voƻte was chairman of Plan's supervisory board. A warm, enthousiastic, inspiring and very very kind man. Rest in peace.

Aug 27, 2008

Tante Layana passed away

My father's favourite sister and the fierce lady I was named after, has passed away.
We, my brother and his wife, my mother and I - are very sad.
Tante Layana
My cousin Henny, tante Layana's daughter.

This flower was my fathers favorite, my aunt told me that last time we were in Indonesia to bury my father's remains. Rest In Peace tante Layana.

Jul 31, 2008

Its a zoo out there

An intensive meeting turned out to be a slow motion visit at Amsterdam's zoo, Artis, on one of the hottest days in July.

Here an impression of rabbits, little monsters and lazy lions.

Jul 27, 2008

Budy and Lisa in Paradiso

Yeaaah - a sign of things to come

Canal Parade

Warm summer evenings, good company with a boat, pasta and prosecco. Its official. Its summer