Amsterdam. The world's problems fade in a blink of an eye when you consider that - I can hardly mention it- there are people 'they-who-shall-not-be-named' who want to mess up important traditions like Sinterklaas. But, fortunately, there is a person who shows real leadership and -without blushing- announces that one of her first acts as our new MP - will be to reinstate Sinterklaas'-festivity-as-it-ought-to-be.
I am really flabbergasted at the audicity of this woman. And worse: stunned by the stupidity of my fellow-Dutch inhabitants that they think that this woman is a real leader and speaks clear language. Apparantly, there are more illiterate people than I thought possible. There is a difference between hearing what someone says and understanding it.
Don't get me wrong, I love Sinterklaas - but making it an issue of national priority is just too surrealistic to comprehend.

Fearless Rita Verdonk will make sure that these crimes below will be punished severely: