There is no difference at all between left wing or right wing extremists. They all sing to the same tune "the right side won, the right side won 'cause god is on our side" and are too blind, too ignorant or flat out: too stupid, to see that they are equally dangerous to peace on this planet.
New candidate for Lord of Wars part II, Afshin Ellian, would love to start another war; against Iran this time - ofcourse, he is on 'the right side'.

Another ex-warrior 'held a kalashnikov' in Nicaragua - when fighting the contra's, socialist Hans van Heijningen. It is not known if he still thinks that it's okay to kill other people, as long as you are on the 'right side'.

What was that phrase again - the intro of Lord of Wars: "There is a gun for every 1 out of 12 people on this planet. The question is: how do we arm the other 11."