Celebrated my mothers birthday yesterday. It was nice to see her friends again and also a bit of a shock. Your mother is your mother and ageless, sort off. But seeing her friends makes you realise that she is really getting older.
And so are some of the household utensils...
My mother can't get herself to throw anything away... she is very creative in putting broken things to new use. A pair of scissors which really is a scissor now, a tub for dishwashing that was mine 20 years ago; a freezer that doesn't work anymore - but hey, guess what - its excellent for extra storage. So is the oven (is not working either) or the grill (broke down ages ago) or even the gate to the garden. The last one is booby trapped. No joke! Since there was a break in (into the shed - where they stole beers and food) - in the last century mind you, she didn't buy a new lock but booby-trapped both the gate and the door to the shed... So beware, don't enter via the back door and don't go into the shed without taking the right precautions...