My place for scraps, snaps, old and new news


Jul 18, 2009

iET in Paradiso

Don't miss! August 10, Paradiso, Amsterdam

Jul 13, 2009

Tasteless advertising

I'm a big fan of You Ad Daily, especially the fun pages. This time the top three tasteless selection of ads: from the days that feminism didn't hit the advertising world yet or just... tasteless.

Jul 10, 2009

The wonderful world of VenhoevenCS

Friday 3rd of July, Ton Venhoeven presented his new book: The Wonderful World of VenhoevenCS. This book is a testimony of his work, a review of society and a view on a new way of living, working and leisuring. "Today we have the chance and the challenge to provide solutions for life in the future where man, plants and animals alike have the opportunity to live a fulfilling live in a wonderful world.

With contributions by Ton Venhoeven, Wim Nijenhuis, Pnina Avidar, Marc Schoonderbeek, Bernard Colenbrander, Bas Römgens, Tim Habraken, Jos-Willem van Oorschot and Helga Lasschuijt. The design concept is by Simon Davies.

The buildings designed by VenhoevenCS must be approached from the inside. Whoever thinks the building can be taken in at a single glance, is left out and has not yet entered it. Nor has he learned to lose his way yet and experienced the world that unfolds inside. The fact is that this architecture does not exclude the world, but absorbs it in all its diversity. Read more at venhoevencs or buy the book, available here. Published by Episode Publishers, Rotterdam.

Jul 7, 2009

iET! Na 't IJ at Noorderlicht

iET! No longer consists of 'just' Lisa and Budy - the complete band did their thing at café-restaurant Noorderlicht during the Over het IJ-festival in Amsterdam, at the NDSM ship yard.