Today this S&^*&d F*((*%g basket was the culprit. It took me 75 minutes (....) to unpack the thing, to get all the stupid parts in place and attach the stupid thing to my stupid bike. The result is a half-tight/half-loose/half locked basket. And a bag that only fits in sideways... The stupid manifacturer of this stupid thing has the stupid thing patented... How about attending a workshop on how to write a decent manual! p a t e n t e d Hah! Who would even want to produce the stupid thing under his f^&(*g license.. The inventor of the thing should be life-sentenced to attach the stupid things personally.

ha ha life is full of funny surpise baskets
Wat is dat in vredesnaam voor ding? Ziet eruit alsof je je kat erin moet stoppen. Of je chihuahua. Niet zoiets praktisch als een tas.
don't get me started.... ben er al een dag van uit mn humeur geweest...
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