My place for scraps, snaps, old and new news
Dec 23, 2009
Dec 22, 2009
Dec 14, 2009
Crisis, my feet are killing me
Dec 6, 2009
Dec 4, 2009
Nov 24, 2009
reBlog from Gerd Leonhard on November 23, 2009: MediaFuturist: Brilliant video: Douglas Rushkoff at Web2.0: radical abundance and how we get past "free"
I found this fascinating quote today:
Brilliant video: Douglas Rushkoff at Web2.0: radical abundance and how we get past "free" His message: we need to change the operating system of MONEY. Watch this and think. Peer-2-Peer value exchange - here we come.Gerd Leonhard on November 23, 2009, MediaFuturist: Brilliant video: Douglas Rushkoff at Web2.0: radical abundance and how we get past "free", Nov 2009
Though... by reblogging this I contribute to the very essence of the criticism on free...
Do read the whole article.
Nov 23, 2009
Mobile me in Barcelona
Nov 16, 2009
I won a price in a photo contest once

Did I ever tell you? Checked my name with google (yes yes, vanity is my middle name) and there it was: at the Holland Herald photo gallery.
Here's the original

Nov 14, 2009
Lesser gods do not exist
Pass it on:

Poster for Children’s Foundation Bodhgaya made from paper leftovers and scrap. This foundation aims to help homeless Dalit (the so-called ‘untouchables’) children in Bihar, India and offers them education, medical care and a place to live. Design by Vos Broekema & Melanie Drent from Dutch agency I DON/T BUY IT. Photography by Arjan Benning.

Poster for Children’s Foundation Bodhgaya made from paper leftovers and scrap. This foundation aims to help homeless Dalit (the so-called ‘untouchables’) children in Bihar, India and offers them education, medical care and a place to live. Design by Vos Broekema & Melanie Drent from Dutch agency I DON/T BUY IT. Photography by Arjan Benning.
Nov 12, 2009
Nov 6, 2009
Not feeling to yummie
This weeks accessoiries: handkerchiefs, vitamine pills, liquorice for my throat, laptop, oranges and a warm sweater. Bleh.
Nov 5, 2009
Concert hall's friends 75 years
Oct 30, 2009
fly advertisement - really - a real fly
To rephrase Neil from the Young Ones: 'I feel sorry for the fly'
Oct 29, 2009
Hotdocks 2009 - 14 to 15 November, come stick with us
Hotdocks, sweet 'n sticky!
De NDSM-kunstwerf is de grootste broedplaats van Nederland waar de combinatie van kunstenaars, creatieve industrie, ambachten en jongeren zorgen voor een bruisend, bij tijden explosief, bij vlagen briljant en altijd mijlenver op de troepen vooruit cultureel klimaat. Hotdocks is de jaarlijkse kunstmanifestatie van de NDSM.
Van ons voor jullie! Hotdocks apotheose: 14 en 15 november 2009.
De NDSM-kunstwerf is de grootste broedplaats van Nederland waar de combinatie van kunstenaars, creatieve industrie, ambachten en jongeren zorgen voor een bruisend, bij tijden explosief, bij vlagen briljant en altijd mijlenver op de troepen vooruit cultureel klimaat. Hotdocks is de jaarlijkse kunstmanifestatie van de NDSM.
Van ons voor jullie! Hotdocks apotheose: 14 en 15 november 2009.
Oct 28, 2009
Back from Venice
Beautiful weather, lots (!) of art and lots of gelati.

It was my mother's first time ever in Italy! 72 and still going strong.
Loved the Dutch pavillion with Fiona Tan's 'disorient', This excerpt, though beautiful (that voice, an excellent choice!) doesn't represent the video very well: far more interesting was hearing this voice reading from Marco Polo's travels and hear the voice describing the richness of the lands and cultures he had travelled while the images on the other screen showed the stress of modern life: polution, fumes, garbage, poverty - in the same rich countries Marco Polo described.
In the Spanish pavillion Barceló's paintings and sculptures where a real eyecatcher:
loved his technique and how he depicts African landscapes in a prehistoric narrative style.
Also loved Thayou's reflections on African culture:

and last but not least: Djurberg. The latter artist though has been very silly: she had a youtube video of her work removed (copyright thingie) she obviously doesn't understand that we now will NOT recommend her work. People who don't understand how publicity and recommendation works in the 21st century should be teletransported back to the dark ages.

It was my mother's first time ever in Italy! 72 and still going strong.
Loved the Dutch pavillion with Fiona Tan's 'disorient', This excerpt, though beautiful (that voice, an excellent choice!) doesn't represent the video very well: far more interesting was hearing this voice reading from Marco Polo's travels and hear the voice describing the richness of the lands and cultures he had travelled while the images on the other screen showed the stress of modern life: polution, fumes, garbage, poverty - in the same rich countries Marco Polo described.
In the Spanish pavillion Barceló's paintings and sculptures where a real eyecatcher:

loved his technique and how he depicts African landscapes in a prehistoric narrative style.
Also loved Thayou's reflections on African culture:

and last but not least: Djurberg. The latter artist though has been very silly: she had a youtube video of her work removed (copyright thingie) she obviously doesn't understand that we now will NOT recommend her work. People who don't understand how publicity and recommendation works in the 21st century should be teletransported back to the dark ages.
Oct 8, 2009
ON NDSM: broedplaatsen wereldhype
Export Nederlandse uitvinding populair over de grenzen
Door: Camil Driessen (De Pers) Gepubliceerd: vandaag 01:42
Je telt niet mee als je geen creatieve stad bent. Dus slaat een van oorsprong Nederlands idee aan in het buitenland.
Casablanca, Osaka en Aalborg. Het is een kleine greep uit de grote groep buitenlandse steden die zich laat inspireren door een typisch Nederlandse uitvinding: broedplaatsen. Rauwe fabrieken, afgebladderde loodsen of verouderde kantoorpanden die met steun van de gemeente plek bieden aan kunstenaars en andere creatievelingen. Die beginnende culturele ondernemers betalen een niet-commerciële huur zodat er ruimte is voor eigen investeringen en zitten samen in een pand zodat ze elkaar kunnen inspireren en opdrachten geven. Wat begon in Amsterdam Noord op het terrein van de voormalige scheepswerf NDSM waaide over naar andere Nederlandse steden als Den Haag (de Caballero Fabriek) en Rotterdam (de graansilo aan de Maashaven) en neemt nu ook het buitenland over.
‘Iedere stad wil tegenwoordig hip en creatief zijn’, constateert Eva de Klerk. >>> lees verder
En Eva op het NOS-journaal - yey!

Door: Camil Driessen (De Pers) Gepubliceerd: vandaag 01:42
Je telt niet mee als je geen creatieve stad bent. Dus slaat een van oorsprong Nederlands idee aan in het buitenland.
Casablanca, Osaka en Aalborg. Het is een kleine greep uit de grote groep buitenlandse steden die zich laat inspireren door een typisch Nederlandse uitvinding: broedplaatsen. Rauwe fabrieken, afgebladderde loodsen of verouderde kantoorpanden die met steun van de gemeente plek bieden aan kunstenaars en andere creatievelingen. Die beginnende culturele ondernemers betalen een niet-commerciële huur zodat er ruimte is voor eigen investeringen en zitten samen in een pand zodat ze elkaar kunnen inspireren en opdrachten geven. Wat begon in Amsterdam Noord op het terrein van de voormalige scheepswerf NDSM waaide over naar andere Nederlandse steden als Den Haag (de Caballero Fabriek) en Rotterdam (de graansilo aan de Maashaven) en neemt nu ook het buitenland over.
‘Iedere stad wil tegenwoordig hip en creatief zijn’, constateert Eva de Klerk. >>> lees verder
En Eva op het NOS-journaal - yey!

Oct 2, 2009
New debate series on non-western art: Framer Framed
For all cultural creatives, bi-culturals and all pure blood westerners: the next debate series about western views on non-western art starts on the 22nd of October in debate centre LUX, Nijmegen. Title: The Biased View, start: 20:00.
The second debate takes place on the 26th of November, at the Tropentheater in the Tropenmuseum. Occasion is the book presentation of curator Mirjam Shatanawi "View on the Islam." The third debate is called "The Colonial View" and takes place in Centraal Museum Utrecht on the 13th of December. This debate is part of their exhibition "Beyond the Dutch."
The second debate takes place on the 26th of November, at the Tropentheater in the Tropenmuseum. Occasion is the book presentation of curator Mirjam Shatanawi "View on the Islam." The third debate is called "The Colonial View" and takes place in Centraal Museum Utrecht on the 13th of December. This debate is part of their exhibition "Beyond the Dutch."

Sep 25, 2009
Alcoholtest pedestrians - sure...
Translate: too much alcohol? You get a walking prohibition for four hours and the police will confiscate your shoes...
PAROOL: MEDIA - Piet & Riet van de Buis
Posted using ShareThis
Piet & Riet at Het Parool, by Hein de Korte
PAROOL: MEDIA - Piet & Riet van de Buis
Posted using ShareThis
Piet & Riet at Het Parool, by Hein de Korte
Sep 6, 2009
Funny pages nrc.next
Sep 5, 2009
First privately owned electric tankstation opened in Jordaan
This promo is made by:
camera, sound and editing: Jerry de Mars (Dikke Dingen)
featuring: Ton & Odette as Jaap & Betty, Ika as biker
script and art direction: Ton & Odette
producer: Layspace
dolly grip and umbrella grip: Layana
special thanks to: family Frankenhuis
Sep 4, 2009
Aug 31, 2009
Aug 21, 2009
its not the health, its the shareholders, stupid!
Am following the health care saga in the US. Which is not easy. But found this, a very helpful clear and crisp explanation of the system in the US.
Seems to me that making a business out off health, care and anyother social engagement originated issues, is not a very good idea. Money talks and everything else only services to feed the many money mouths.
Seems to me that making a business out off health, care and anyother social engagement originated issues, is not a very good idea. Money talks and everything else only services to feed the many money mouths.
Aug 15, 2009
Not back on track yet
Aug 13, 2009
Aug 11, 2009
Blasting performance at Paradiso

iET! was great at their second performance at Paradiso's summer café - great Intense Emotional Thrill!
Aug 1, 2009
Jul 18, 2009
Jul 13, 2009
Tasteless advertising
I'm a big fan of You Ad Daily, especially the fun pages. This time the top three tasteless selection of ads: from the days that feminism didn't hit the advertising world yet or just... tasteless.

Jul 10, 2009
The wonderful world of VenhoevenCS
Friday 3rd of July, Ton Venhoeven presented his new book: The Wonderful World of VenhoevenCS. This book is a testimony of his work, a review of society and a view on a new way of living, working and leisuring. "Today we have the chance and the challenge to provide solutions for life in the future where man, plants and animals alike have the opportunity to live a fulfilling live in a wonderful world.

With contributions by Ton Venhoeven, Wim Nijenhuis, Pnina Avidar, Marc Schoonderbeek, Bernard Colenbrander, Bas Römgens, Tim Habraken, Jos-Willem van Oorschot and Helga Lasschuijt. The design concept is by Simon Davies.
The buildings designed by VenhoevenCS must be approached from the inside. Whoever thinks the building can be taken in at a single glance, is left out and has not yet entered it. Nor has he learned to lose his way yet and experienced the world that unfolds inside. The fact is that this architecture does not exclude the world, but absorbs it in all its diversity. Read more at venhoevencs or buy the book, available here. Published by Episode Publishers, Rotterdam.

With contributions by Ton Venhoeven, Wim Nijenhuis, Pnina Avidar, Marc Schoonderbeek, Bernard Colenbrander, Bas Römgens, Tim Habraken, Jos-Willem van Oorschot and Helga Lasschuijt. The design concept is by Simon Davies.
The buildings designed by VenhoevenCS must be approached from the inside. Whoever thinks the building can be taken in at a single glance, is left out and has not yet entered it. Nor has he learned to lose his way yet and experienced the world that unfolds inside. The fact is that this architecture does not exclude the world, but absorbs it in all its diversity. Read more at venhoevencs or buy the book, available here. Published by Episode Publishers, Rotterdam.
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