It was my mother's first time ever in Italy! 72 and still going strong.
Loved the Dutch pavillion with Fiona Tan's 'disorient', This excerpt, though beautiful (that voice, an excellent choice!) doesn't represent the video very well: far more interesting was hearing this voice reading from Marco Polo's travels and hear the voice describing the richness of the lands and cultures he had travelled while the images on the other screen showed the stress of modern life: polution, fumes, garbage, poverty - in the same rich countries Marco Polo described.
In the Spanish pavillion Barceló's paintings and sculptures where a real eyecatcher:

loved his technique and how he depicts African landscapes in a prehistoric narrative style.
Also loved Thayou's reflections on African culture:

and last but not least: Djurberg. The latter artist though has been very silly: she had a youtube video of her work removed (copyright thingie) she obviously doesn't understand that we now will NOT recommend her work. People who don't understand how publicity and recommendation works in the 21st century should be teletransported back to the dark ages.
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